Originally Posted by willravel
Yes, everyone knows that an apple is more healthy than fries, but if someone wants the fries more than the apple....you get the idea. As someone who is still battling with food addiction (mine was psychological, whereas the addiction to fast food is both psychological and physical), I can tell you it's not as easy as walking to Safeway instead of Burger King.
It really is that easy. A "want" is not a "need" and can be countered with sufficient will-power. The catalyst for change is wanting to change. If you do not want to be anything but fat and poor, then you are to blame for your "condition." Even a sniveling fool has the power to change themselves and their habits/routines for the better, if they want to. I don't buy the "everything is addictive" argument, as it seeks to explain away the absolute lack of restraint, willpower, common sense, and initiative that some people have and instead replace it with government funding.