Originally Posted by aberkok
If you're brought up on McDonald's it's torture to eat actual beans.
This actually made me laugh...
As for the difference between an apple and fries... well hell, I try to eat my apples-a-day and all, but DAMN. Hot, salty fries just taste better. I'm not poor, and I'm not fat, but it's still effin' hard to resist McDonald's fries if they're easily accessible. That's why I just try to avoid the place altogether.
Living in Iceland, poor people ain't eating McD's though... everything is 2 to 3 times the price it is in the US, which makes a family of 4 at McD's about a $100. Yeah. The rich and middle-class people are the fat ones, here. I don't think it's that much different in the US.
Also keep in mind that white-collar workers usually can afford gym memberships and have free time to go running, yoga, etc... whereas if you're a blue collar factory worker putting in 50-60 hours a week, you're not going to want to spend your free time in the downward dog position. Food, sex, sleep. That is about all I have the energy and time to think about, when I'm done at the factory... and I'm not even working half that many hours.