Well, I do know her. I've known her since October or so, I just don't know her as well as her other friends do. I haven't really had one-on-one conversations with her about anything. I'm sure she knows I've had a crush on her. Her older sister tried to bring this matter up (before I bought the ring), I could tell, and she told her not to. So, it's not
totally out of the blue.
Her brother has been sleeping with his door open and the bedroom light on. I thought that was weird, but from here I now realize that he may be keeping an eye on me? I don't know. I admit that my actions are sometimes weird and irrational, but I hope I'm not the creep that I might seem to be. Like I said, I have made absolutely no attempt to contact her. It's both out of tact (a concept I use loosely I guess), and fear (shyness-fear).
Anyway at the jeweler, after I had made the purchase and the saleslady was polishing the ring, I was inspecting the carbon-copy receipt, and looked up...... It literally seemed like random patrons were gazing at me, as if they knew what I had just done and what I had planned to do... Sometimes I feel like my life is the "Truman Show."