Originally Posted by willravel
For me it's a safety issue. The area I live in is subject to flooding, and if something were to ever happen, I need Jack the wonderbeagle to be able to swim to safety. Back in the early 90s, we had 4' of water in our front yard.
Will, that's a very good point and i share the same concerns. I have two thoughts about this:
1. You can a doggie life jacket (and use it not just for emergencies but also if you want to take your doggie out on a boat etc.
2. In an emergency, a dog's instinct may just convince them to swim.
JR, you can use my suggestions too because they operate on the same mechanisms as other inducements of behavior.
EX: When giving the dog a bath or clipping nails using positive association by using praise, treats etc.
So when your beagle approaches the water even one step, give her praise and encouragement. Baby steps. Also, having her favorite items (including you) near or in the water will help associate the water as a "good thing". Just be patient and reasonable.