Whoa!! Do not try and force the dog to "like" something they do not. Especially water. Some dogs are natural water lovers, others are not. You might want to read up on beagles to see if they are water dogs or not. It could be the water hurts their floppy ears and causes problems (it's not good to get water in dogs ears, especially the big floppy sensitive kinds).
If your dog wants to swim with you, she will. In time. On her own. It might be too late since she already has a negatove association from you forcing her into the water. But she may come around in time.
The best way is for everyone to be in the water having fun and she will naturally want to be where you are. Keep in mind, she may be scared of all the splashing and noise in the pool. You could also put her favorite toys near the pool and other familiar items. You can also pet her while you are in the pool and she is outside of it so as to associate the pool positively to her. Treats could work too.
Edit - (one more) Remember, you want to rebuild the trust and undo any damage you may have caused. Another thing to try is introducing her to the pool on a really hot day and being calm and quiet. The serene environment you establish can help her to relax and might induce her to want to check out the nice, calm, refreshing, cool water that just happens to have her favorite person whom she trusts and wants to hang out with.
Last edited by jorgelito; 05-24-2007 at 05:24 PM..