Originally Posted by Kpax
Re: Martian, abaya
Well, I really bought it just to have it on-hand. I might never have offered the ring. I was going to use it and offer it in an extreme situation, like, if I found out she was about to date a guy. I knew in my heart that it wouldn't change her mind in a scenario like that, but I wanted to send a message.
When I made the purchase, I theorized that I could just keep it on hand and if I ended up deeming it too extreme an idea, that I could take it back. Now I face consequences for something I didn't really even do. Since no one has actually seen the ring, but "know" I got it, I don't know how I could convince them that I've returned it, even if I really have returned it (which I haven't and probably won't).
I just want to know if anyone here has predictions on what she is thinking right now? She knows a lot of people, and a lot of guys. Is there any positive impression that might've come from this, or is it all "creepiness," even though I never offered the ring at all?
LOL I joked around with her brother, and I kept ranting about the idea that "I might've bought it for someone else," but for some reason he can see through me, and maybe even see the fact that I will never unwrap it from its gift wrapping, nor allow any other girl to...... but I don't know how he can tell how dedicated I am to this. I've tried every verbal method of denial.
Tough love: this is the worst idea I've seen in weeks. And that includes some incredibly bad ones at work that would probably get me sued. You need to stop obsessing about this girl and move on. You admit you don't really know her and that she doesn't really know you. Buying a ring (or really any other piece of jewelry) with the intent of giving it to her if she dates anyone else is off-the-charts strange. I think you need to return the ring and make a solemn vow that you're never going to lay eyes on this girl again for both of your sakes.
Honestly, I have a hard time imagining how you think that this could possibly end up well. If I were her brother, I'd be watching you like a hawk.