I can't stress this enough - don't give her the ring. Return it if possible.
I take it you like this girl, and are interested in her. The appropriate thing to do is ask her out. Or not. If she says no - whatever it is you do to deal with the rejection (safely) and move on. If she does say yes, it wouldn't be appropriate to give her a gift of that sort (and price) *except* as an engagement ring. (Personally, I think spending the kind of money you are 'supposed' to spend on engagement rings is just stupid, but that's another story). For the first date, if you're an old-fashioned/romantic kinda guy, maybe some flowers (flowers, not a dozen roses) would be an appropriate gift. Might set you back $50 or something, so only do so if you feel like splurging, and if you're 'that kind' of guy.
Try to put yourself in her shoes - she's hearing from people that some guy she barely knows bought her a $3000 diamond ring. There's no way that isn't creepy. The only reason a guy spends that kind of money on a girl he barely knows is if he's paying for sex, and obviously that isn't your plan. Honestly, if/when you ask her out, she'll probably turn you down because you've hit the 'creepy' button, and as far as I know, there's no way to recover from that. Don't give her the ring. Maybe try to pass it off as just a rumor, or something you did while still drunk from your drinking binge. Return the ring if at all possible.
Last edited by robot_parade; 05-24-2007 at 12:48 PM..
Reason: I ken spel reel gud