I donate to the Catholic Church all the time. Vatican 2 is the most progressive Christian denomination by far, and if anyone is going to bridge the gap between the faithful and the reasonable, it's going to be the Catholic Church. My live and let live policy with religion can sometimes be replaced with resentment, and the Catholic Church's stances on things like condoms are antiquated, but ultimately I can see the good they do for people and I support that.
When I donated to the Catholic Church for Katrina, I knew that the overhead was only a small fraction of what others like the Red Cross were taking. No single organization does as much for the poor, victims of natural disasters, or the sick as the Catholic Church. I cannot equate that to the KKK or NAMBLA.
Yes, a few narrow minded Catholics would probably treat me like crap if they knew i was an atheist (not that I hide it, I just don't wear it on my sleeve), but that's a small minority. I've gotten a lot more guff from my Muslim friends than my Catholic or Jewish friends about being an atheist, anyway.