Ok archetypal fool, I get the point, and it is a valid one I do agree. BUT, I am reserving final judgement on the state of America until after Bush is long gone, and we are well into the next 1 or 2 administrations. Whether Bush overreacted to 9/11, or was the catalyst to the creation of a wiser America (how would that be for irony...) remains to be seen. I believe that the heightened state of vigilance on the part of this administration was justified and understandable. There has been an equal and opposite reaction from the American political left which I guess was, overall, a healthy and positive thing for this country long term (as obnoxious as it gets now)...I think this period of time will be a tremendous learning experience for the next American generation. In the meantime though, all this goddamn screeching about fascism, police state, nazism, etc etc etc, gets annoying, you know?
Last edited by powerclown; 05-22-2007 at 08:45 PM..