On second thought, I'm going to erase my mock-post above, but I remain bewildered that people in America, circa 2007, live in fear of their own government. I can't fathom it. I, for example, and most people I know, go about their day as they have for years, without fear of governmental reprisal of any sort. I can go to any restaraunt I want. I can travel anywhere I want, whenever I want. If I were a good enough writer, I could pick my subject, have it published, and make money from it. I could start my own business. I can buy all the booze I could ever want. I can watch just about any movie thats ever been put to film, same with listening to music. I can speak out against my government in public, without fear of death, if I so chose to. I can get a job whenever I needed one. I have all the food, clothing and shelter I'll ever need, right down the street. I have the worlds greatest amusement parks, art museums, and sporting events ever devised by human imagination for diversion. I have free and unfettered access to public libraries, the internet, videogames, rice cookers, porn, guns, dental floss, drugs, beano, educational subsidies, car washes, jewelery, on and on and on. Compared to someone in, say, Mexico or Uzbekistan, I would feel embarrased and ridiculous to whine about the government to the extent we do here. What has America come to? Are we even the same species that discovered and created this great country 200+ years ago?
That's a rhetorical question.