ID doesn't really stand for intelligent design, it stands for irreconcilable deism.
All tenured members of the biology departments at the nation's 50 top-rated universities agree 100% that life on Earth developed from single-cell organisms through evolution. The Vatican accepts evolution. Most protestant denominations accept evolution.
This is a simple matter of theism bleeding over into areas where it probably doesn't belong, at least in the for it's taking. Most Christians believe that evolution is scientific fact and that god is responsible for natural law (in other words, evolution was god's idea). A few misguided Christians have incorrectly assumed or been misled into believing that the Bible is somehow against evolution.
I'm saying that not only does ID have no place in the classroom, I'm saying it has no place ANYWHERE. Creationism should be taught in church and evolution in classrooms, and their bastard love child ID belongs in a historical blooper reel.