I have difficulty "discussing" things with those of you who believe in relativistic morals and beliefs, the nonexistence of facts and that things are only relevant to the frame of reference they're observed or disclosed in.
Why? Because its the same hoitey-toitey intellectual "artsy" garbage speak that people with Communication or Art History majors like to spew. Communication classes, sociology classes, english classes, and the people spewed from such classes raise my ire very quickly when it comes to talking about substantive topics.
You see, you can't discuss the "perspective" when defining paradigms of computer science and how best to optimize a binary search tree. You can't talk about how the engineering formulas necessary to construct a bridge safe from wind, stress, age and weight are "substantial only in terms of how they inform particular views." Why? Becuase those discussions would bear absolutely no weight in the overall determination of correctness, and they'd be a pedantic waste of time, spent on intellectual postulating and "mind mapping."
There are a great many concrete things in this world, and they are very often focused in those things which in Engineering, in applied sciences, in mathematics. It's only when we want to sit back and smoke our "thinking pipe" and talk about intellectual curiousities that these things about "belief systems" and "relative only in terms how how they inform particular views" can actually have meaning.
There are likely very perfect solutions for common problems that could be idealistically solved if only theories of communication like this held up in reality. Sure, racism exists and sexism exists, but we can't just say in a utopian matter that it can all be fixed. Or that my failure to accept that it can be solved is due to my "perspective". It's that real life continues to go on, no matter how much we discuss the vagaries of perspective.
I find mindless postulating and philosophizing of this sort to be most ego-dependent pissfest an individual can participate in, and I prefer discussing the concrete, the real, the applied, and the substantive. Most importantly, the realistic. Things based in LIFE AS IT OCCURS, day to day.. not in utopian and idealistic theories so removed from reality.
When it comes down to it, there are things which I view as independent of their viewpoint, and considering their "frame of mind" means absolutely nothing. There's reality, where things have to be done and decided, and there's "thought land" where we can all postulate and pontificate all day. Guess which one I prefer?