Originally Posted by fresnelly
My only disappointment is that Syler is still alive. To me, that A: undercuts Hiro's accomplishment and B: is a cheap cliche. He's a dick and I wanted him dead.
Me too. Not to get into the same argument as the BSG thread, but the cliche no one saw him slink away thing is crap. I think that if nothing else, Mohinder would make sure he was dead this time. He would grab Claire's gun and cap him a few times for good measure.
That being said - how DID he get away? You saw the blood trail to the sewer. Then what was that . . .slime? I don't understand.
Also disappointed by the fight with Peter. I think if you have the powers that Peter and Syler have, the person who uses them most creatively would ultimately win. No real reason that Peter could not stop time, catch his breath and jack up Syler. There are a million and one ways he could win if he just thought about it. Coincidentally, I always think that the Green Lantern suffers from similar creativity problems.