Originally Posted by Kpax
If euthanasia were a business, it would be a multi-billion dollar business.
You lost me here.
Do you really think that there are hundreds of thousands of people lining up to kill themselves? Seriously?
If there are 100,000 of them, they'd have to be charged $20,000 each to make it a multi-billion dollar industry.
If you charge a flat $100 fee, which is much more reasonable, that's $10,000,000. Why in the world is an industry that's going to cap out at $10,000,000 in potential gross revenue try to overcome the ingrained biases in this society to create itself?
None of this is to say that I agree at all with any of your other points. The government is in no way responsible because someone takes the coward's way out. Those that do, fail and become a burden on society are most likely numbered in the low 1,000's, so I doubt they place a great strain on the finances of the state.
In other words, your numbers make no sense.