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Old 05-19-2007, 11:58 AM   #4 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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I'll tell you what I'll be getting and try to qualify your needs using it.
MacBook Pro 15" 2.33 GHz with 3 MB RAM and 256 GeForce 1600:
Wireless Internet: AirPort Extreme 802.11n or ExpressCard/34
Wired Internet: 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit)
USB: Two USB 2.0 ports, one FireWire 400 port, one FireWire 800
Mouse: Don't use Apple's Mighty Mouse, I like logitech's mice
Wireless Keyboard: Apple Wireless bluetooth keyboard = $59
USB external soundcard: this looks nice
USB Hard Drives: I'd strongly suggest, if you go Mac, to use firewire 800, like the one 'm getting
SD card slot on laptop: nope, sorry
Docking station with VGA cable & USB ports: DVI output (up to 30"), VGA, s-vid and composite, so long as you have the adapter
iTunes 7: No problem
Microsoft Money 2007: DOn't you have to buy this either way? MS Monay works on Mindows or Mac OS X
Microsoft Streets & Trips with USB GPS receiver: same as above
Google Earth: free online
Java Programming IDE (Oracle JDeveloper 10g)
BitTorrent: azureus
DVD player built in 6x double layer superdrive
Flash player (youtube/google video): when you open a page with flash it prompts and you download. No problemo.
Media player that plays WMV, MPG, AVI, Divx. Also needs to have a ability to create a playlist: I use VLC, but it doesn't have a playlist. Mplayer might have a playlist capability.
Thumbnail view file manager for pictures: yep
1920x1080 resolution preferred (37" LCD monitor) 1024x768 should be there for using it as a laptop. The ability to easily change resolutions without rebooting is a plus: I know it supports a 30" Cinema Display, which supports up to 2560 x 1600. I suspect that a 37" that you want to run resolution through 2560 x 1600, you'll be fine.
Open Office (have to wait for the alpha Aqua version for Mac OS X, but I don't do anything complicated. The X11 port isn't very good):yeah...
GIMP Photo Editor: $18.50 available here
Nice default photo viewer: Preview or iPhoto
Adblocker/PithHelmet for whatever browser I pick: sure
Ability to get to every website (even ones that require IE): While I primarily use FF and Safari, I still have Explorer and Netscape.

Bonus Points
Pen based tablet functions work (Run Microsoft Office OneNote in an emulator?) Use pen as a mouse:
Buttons on computer work: What? Yes the buttons on most computers work. Maybe I'm missing something here...
Photo organization program: iPhoto FREE (not a demo or 60 day trial)
Cell phone software: That depends on your cell phone. My Samsung isn't supported on Mac.
Kismet/Netstumbler or similar wifi programs. Ability to crack WEP passwords a plus: isn't that an invasion of privacy or something?
Ethereal: The network protocol analyzer?
Video capture program: BTV, Gawker, iCamShare, iRecord, MediaCapture, myVCR, and WebcamTweaker
Program like GetRight:
Parallel port on docking station: Not 100% sure. I'll need to check around.
Quicktime: I sure hope so
Half-life 2: Hmmm, well bootcamp should help out with this, but I'm not 100% sure about how well Vista or XP will run on a Mac yet as I've not tried it.
Car mp3 support (Linux has it, might be able to work in OS X) I'm not sure what this is...

Oh well, I hope this was helpful.
Willravel is offline  

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