I end up wondering if we're looking at the first generation of Christian terrorists. I was surprised to see extremist pro lifers planting bombs at Planned Parenthood, but I'm beginning to worry that the terror may not be over. That level of hate filled fanaticism, fundamentally opposed to the peaceful teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, represents unreasonable danger.
I was discussing the important role of the peace-teaching Imams in Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine with a good friend of mine, and he told me something: very few imams are willing to stand up and preach against violence in the Middle East because they could be assassinated, and the same is true right here in the US. We don't see imams on CSPAN preaching peaceful Islam because they are afraid of getting the attention of the KKK or other radical white or Christian organizations that would see him as 'the enemy' and seek to kill him. I've read the Bible a lot, at least 30 times cover to cover, and the idea that someone can preach honest hatred after reading the teachings of Jesus in the NT blows my mind and scares me shitless.
Even as an atheist, I hope they find peace in religion instead of hate.