Hal - Never saw JF promising miracles. As a matter of fact, as a Southern Baptist, I'd reckon JF didn't talk about modern day miracles so much, as they tend to stay away from them. Too close to "spiritual gifts" for them.
(Note to Hal - not myself as a SoBap, JF was, although I grew up as one)
As for receiving money for preaching - that is scripturally based, as "the workman is worthy of his hire", said the Apostle Paul. Can't remember the reference, but it was about those who ministered to the early church but didn't ask for support in their work, therefore going hungry. This finds its background in the OT's law of "bringing tithe into the storehouse so that there is enough".
As for religion being "manufactured" - religion has been around as long as man has been here. It's institutional religion that has caused true spirituality to be held in disrepute. The church has been its own worst enemy, as when there are human beings running an organization, there is bound to be crap.
I hate to bring out an old logic debate killer, but when I am so disheartened by the "send money to the Lord" shows on TV, I think of Mother Theresa. Here was a woman who went to India and served dying lepers, and loved them. She started a convent of nuns who still to this day serve the poorest of the poor in Calcutta (as well as all over India). And man, when you think of poor, go one further, and you'll have some idea of what it means to be poor in Calcutta.
She wrote that when she sees their disease ridden bodies, she sees the face of Jesus.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about.
(none yet, still thinkin')