Charlatan - "Just as bad as bin Laden"? WTF?
Never heard it said that JF sent 19 followers to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings, killing 3000.
You say he "conned people out of money" - where's your evidence of that? Many Christians who cannot go to church themselves (due to illness or inability to physically go) watched him on TV and received spiritual guidance from him. So they sent a "tithe" to his ministry, because scripture asks of us to give to the work of the Lord, out of our abundance.
Yes, yes, yes, there are those who cheat the poor in the name of God by asking them to send their dollars to support "God's work". I know this, and I, personally, abhor those who use "ministry" as an open tap for funds.
And the whole "inspire those in power to do heinous things" - you are, if I might respectfully suggest, projecting a political power upon him that, in recent years, I do not believe he had.
Yes, his statements about AIDS was appalling. His statements about Muslims also, appalling. Yet he never raised an army himself to go out and physically fight anyone. Picket at abortion clinics, yes. (do not personally agree with that) But he never ever (that I know of) told any anti-abortion followers to pick up a gun and shoot anyone, like that idiot who is in the news nowadays (can't remember his name).
Yeeesh, comparing JF to bin Laden.....