hee hee hee...i knew why host posted what he posted, and what the tangential link was. i think its a combination of two aspects; the more general question of where the problem with the cause of the mental health issue lies, and host's posting style:
to the former: it's a question of whether one considers the direct causes of the increased psychological problems of our military to be separable from the systemic problems that have caused them to be there in the first place or not. to wit, bor is obviously correct that the direct experiences of our soldiers is the primary reason that they are going to return with an entire legion of psychological problems. even removed from the questions of why they are there, the ordinary human mind can't be in that situation for any period of time and not come out drastically changed. that's sad and awful in a very direct way; without saying too much i have a family member who is just now really dealing with this....from vietnam.
to the latter, i think host has obviously decided that he is going to ring this bell at every opportunity, as he feels that america is generally asleep at the wheel, and that there is no problem associated with our military presence in the middle east which can be meaningfully separated from the questions of the legitimacy of our nation's involvement.
so i can see it both ways, personally. for rational debate, i think its sometimes better to separate the two issues out such that discussion can be focussed on the OP. at the same time, i can understand host's position. it is kind of hard, in a way, to talk about the awful shit our soldiers have to endure, on our behalf whether we approve of the 'war' or not, without acknowledging the questions about the fundamental nature of the war.
i just don't think host is ever going to post without quote boxes inside politics; its too much a part of his adopted persona and methodology.
/didn't mean to put to many words in host's mouth. just my impressions from following these discussions for a while.
i have to say that i'm a bit dubious as to whether our nation will adequately take care of our returning soldiers or not. and that is truly sad. most americans don't want to acknowledge that the military action is occurring now...i mean, it would seem to be a key strategy point in the way the war is being handled. don't upset the american citizen's life too much. i can't see our country really owning up in any meaningful way...it would require that we really acknowledge what has happened, what is happening, and what will likely happen for some time to come. we're not pulling out of that area for a long time, i don't think.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style