Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I am not trying to draw you into a pissing contest. I just want to make certain that I know what you're trying to accomplish here. And, frankly, I'm still not certain. You hover around this thread, dropping "torture bombs", in what I can only assume is an attept to misdirect the tone of the thread. You "assume" that they are mentaly ill because they are forced to aschew the civilities of life that you and I can take for granted....
You accuse me of "hovering"....there were no responses to the thread OP until mine. My participation was unique....and it was at an end until you and tecoyah "came after me", for what justification/motivation, I still do not comprehend.
Five of the seven points...points I reposted in my last post....listed in the article in the thread OP, had to do directly with torture by American troops, of Iraqis or mistreatment of American troops of Iraqis...some (or most) of it without provocation from the Iraqis....beyond their being in the wrong place....places where there were angry or disfunctional...US troops.
....and I respond with an opinion piece that decries the source that instills this anti-humanitarian mindset in the troops, and you post that I'm dropping "torture bombs"?
Since everything directed at me, by both you and tecoyah, is in drect contradiction of what I know that the OP was about, and what the content of all of my posts were about, I am inclined to take your sentiments as a presonal criticism of me....unprovoked....inappropriate.
....and your logic having to do with making the troops out to be "martyrs", "victims" with no responsibility for any harm that they wiullfully inflicted, is just as curious....there....you drew me out....I am compelled to be consistent in where I palce responsibility, and as fair as I can be....how about you?