Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
So, your base response is something along the lines of...they have it coming? That they deserve the shoddy medical treatment that they're getting? Is that what I'm to infer?
Tell me that I'm wrong here.
From the OP:
# Only 47 percent of the soldiers and 38 percent of Marines said noncombatants should be treated with dignity and respect.
# About a third of troops said they had insulted or cursed at civilians in their presence.
# About 10 percent of soldiers and Marines reported mistreating civilians or damaging property when it was not necessary. Mistreatment includes hitting or kicking a civilian.
# Forty-four percent of Marines and 41 percent of soldiers said torture should be allowed to save the life of a soldier or Marine.
# Thirty-nine percent of Marines and 36 percent of soldiers said torture should be allowed to gather important information from insurgents.
My post was an attempt to explain how our troops were influenced to end up being described as they are, above, and in the OP. I assumed that the list in the OP were the symptoms of mentally ill "thinking".
I think that "mentally ill" troops and the people of Iraq are all victims of the same immoral and illegal agenda. I think that the "fall out" from the illegal invasion of Iraq will be incalculably vast, in the US, in Iraq, and in the M.E. I've posted nothing controversial, and....if you're looking to draw me into a "pissing contest" as to whether or not they [the troops], <b>"have it coming"</b>, you won't get sentiments like that, out of me.
Our troops have been shortchanged by the perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Iraq....their commanders...senior officers and responsible officials in the executive branch, and in the congress, in every way imaginable...and they deserve the best available medical treatment and they and their families deserve strong emotional and material support from the rest of us.
Justice demands that everyone who has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, related to the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as other crimes against the US constitution, in the course of the least six years, be held accountable....each according to their culpability.
But....this in no way should detract from a US commitment to provide a high standard of medical care and other support for our deployed, returning, or returned, troops.