Originally Posted by host
ace....you and "your ilk" tried and failed to demonize and discredit Libby prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, a close and trusted friend of James Comey.
I did not try to discredit Fitzgerald. I simply stated that his prosecution of Libby was a waste of taxpayer dollars and a waste of justice department resources. Given real criminal activity occurring, I would hope we spend more time on that in the future.
I think that Comey is flawed.....and his flawed thinking (attitude towards Padilla prosecution, 1984 vote for Reagan, etc...), but a liar....under oath in a senate committee hearing, he is definitely not, ace.
I don't think he lied. I think the meeting took place. I simply think he is melodramatic. All parties involved eventually came to agreement. So what is the point of this testimony?
Unlike you, I think that Comey's senate committee testimony confirmed our worst fears of the depths of the criminality and disregard for the US Constitution that we have had confirmed, in six long years.
If the Bush administration had no regard for the US Constitution, why did they seek the advice of the Justice Dept.?
If the Bush administration has violated US Constitutional rights of citizens why hasn't Congress taken any action? Why has no one filed any lawsuits? I take that back, Plame has filed a lawsuit, I am very interested in seeing how far it gets.
What have you been right about, ace? Sheesh !
I don't keep score. Do you?
Originally Posted by tecoyah
Surely, you are not serious here Ace. Claiming a clarification of details from a previous statement is akin to simply pretending you have no memory of your job at all, are far from the same thing. And by saying Gonzales is forgetting to avoid the "perjury Trap"....you pretty much accept he is lying to congress by claiming he forgot anyway.
I dont see hoe anyone who watched this testimony, can fail to see the fiasco it was.
As Host points out I am probably wrong. But just for kicks, I have a question, do you think the possibility exists that a member(s) of Congress might actually set a perjury trap?