The last two responses are excellant, in addition to several before them. I never mow the yard in the same direction as the last time I mowed it. Otherwise your mower wheels will begine to leave ruts in your yard. Grass loves cool and moist weather. That's when it grows the best. Which happens to define this spring's weather. So I've been mowing every third or fourth day. Otherwise the heavy wet grass is too tall to mow easily. As the temps increase and the rain decreases I'll decrease the frequency. When its hot, watch the weather reports to see if you are going to be mowing before a hot dry spell. If so, maybe you should wait until that is over. I also keep the grass rather tall. I mow at the next to highest setting on the mower. The best thing about this is that the grass chokes out weeds. I use Weed-B-Gone in a hand sprayer to zap weeds when they show up early in the spring but seldom beyond that once the grass gets thicker. Before we bought this house the previous owners used a lawn service. Now I only fertilize early in the spring and in the fall. By using a mulching mower, much of the lawn's nutrients are returned to the soil each time you mow. If you want to bag it, at least compost the clippings.