Originally Posted by warrrreagl
Ironic to read here how Falwell is reviled for trying to force everyone to think like him, but some contributors to this thread both 1) will only tolerate opinions similar to their own, and 2) bristle at the notion of groupthink.
ART is da man.
I don't see this at all. Please point out to me which posts reflect an intolerance of differing opinions. What i see is people asking art for an explanation and him refusing to offer one because he doesn't think talking about his opinions is productive.
That makes two people who can't understand why anyone would question art. Please uber, warrrr, tell me what i've missed, because frankly i don't really see much insight at all. I see more a desire to somehow stick it to the people who don't care for falwell without actually defending falwell. Like somehow we should be thankful for all the things falwell did because, hey, at least he wasn't an islamic fundamentalist. If only we could get over our anti-american groupthinking long enough to see how great falwell actually was compared to other people with whom he shared certain characteristics. That's what i'm getting out of art's posts. Tell me what i'm missing because right now it seems like art is trying really half-assedly diss people for dissing on falwell despite the fact that if falwell had ever completely gotten his way art's way of life would be illegal.