Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
SC: Ghost is DOA. As far as I know, it's been axed for good. Blizzard outsourced and was displeased with what they served up so they simply took the hit and laid it to rest (if only 3drealms would be so kind as to do the same with Duke 4).
Quoted for sad truth
I'm hoping for a revitalization of the RTS genre, currently while RTS games are getting prettier, nearly all the developments in the genre are an increase in complexity while attempting to balance micromanagement. Or at least that's the way it's seemed to me. Case in point supreme commander... while complexity is not necessarily a bad thing, the level of management required to successfully compete online almost changes it from being a game to a job. As an addition to that, i haven't noticed a balanced strategy game where the different races/armies/etc played completely different yet were balanced like starcraft was