if you can afford the monthly payments, buy the house. first off, it's a tax break thing. it will also help your credit (if you make your payments on time). you can use it as collateral if you need it. you have your own house, you can do whatever you want with it, it's home. if you get tired of it, or if you just want to live somewhere else, you can rent it out and have someone else pay your mortgage (their rent = your mortgage), and once you have enough equity built up, you can sell it for a profit (assuming it's still a good neiborhood, the house isn't trashed, and many many other factors). if you dont' sell it, once it's paid up, you can rent it out and it is automatic monthly income. the trick is to make sure you make more in rent than you pay in taxes. lots of things to consider, but, if you can afford it, it's worth it. buy the house.
onward to mayhem!