wonky wacker
I have this same problem. I have been with a gf I love for many years now and sex is still good, in fact we added anal to the reportoire a couple months ago. My problem is I'm still hooked to masterbating. During the weekdays I usually stay up till about 3 - 4 am looking for and dl'ing to find the perfect video to jerk to. My job is long hours, 12 hour days.
So in addition to the problems about sensitivity and losing excitement about sex with my gf that many have mentioned, I get teensy amounts of sleep. Prolly average about 4.5 hours a nite between the work and porn. At work I feel drained all the time which sucks because its a dream job, but has a high degree of stress to it. Don't do drugs or anything except for a couple beers a month. Its definately affecting, but hell this is been going on for years now. Sometimes I wonder if it will all blow up.