Originally Posted by willravel
Originally Posted by amonkie
Who ever said girls were normal, ever?
Think of it as becoming very good friends with all sides of our personalities. But it would be wise to avoid a cheerleading squad if the girls are on their period. It's been shown that girls who spend a lot of time together, especially in a setting like that start to have their cycles at the same time. A whole time of hormone raging cheerleaders angry at you might not be such a good thing.
This is true. I've seen it happen. It's facinating from a scientific point of view. I wonder how that trait came to be.
I remember hearing about this somewhere. I believe it's from the book, The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley.
It stems back to the hunter-gatherer days of humankind. The men would leave their village periodicly to hunt for food for weeks at a time. This caused many couples to miss the time when the woman was ovulating, miss their chance to mate and have offspring, and die. Very sad. Fortunately, all the women in the village evolved, and their cycles syncronized with the dominant female. The men caught on to this, and realized when it was best to spend time with their wives (and mate and have offspring), and when to get the hell out of town
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip."
Roger Zelazny