Originally Posted by ratbastid
Iran is also a vibrant, thriving democracy. One of the only democracies in the Arab world, with a youth culture that rivals America's.
Ok...let's not get carried away here. This is still IRAN we're talking about, a strictly religious theocracy with little of the benefits of true democracies. You make it sound like Switzerland. For all its energy needs, even China recognizes the need for caution with Iran. I understand that the younger generations in Iran are populous, intelligent and progressive, but unfortunately they haven't had a say in Iranian foreign policy in decades.
Now while I happen to think that the mullahs are busy cooking up nukes, I disagree with Mr. Cheney ratcheting up the tension level. I think its reckless and obtuse. I see no useful purpose in provoking frightened, paranoid, unstable people. This is one of the problems with having no diplomatic relations, where such things - if they need to be said at all - can be said in private and without the negative public relations ramifications. Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush have yet to learn that public humiliation is counterproductive. This seems to me the single biggest failing of the Bush administration. The thing is, there are people in the States who are acutely aware of the importance of tactful public relations.