I haven't posted in here in a while, and I've played a ton of games sine then.
Need For Speed Carbon: Fun game, but nothing too special outside of the graphics and unlockables for the cars.
Resistance Fall Of Man: I've only played this at a friend's house (though I borrowed it from him the other day) and it seems fun though not terribly difficult unless you're on hard or superhuman.
Motorstorm: Really fun racing game, but don't expect any more than that. There's no story, and once the game is complete, that's it.
Def Jam Icon: Nothing too special at all about this game. Use rappers to fight other rappers and try to guess when you'll/they'll get knocked out.
Blazing Angels: Tough game, more work than fun in my opinion.
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis: This game is entirely too fun in two player mode, but hard as fuck on single player (to me at least, again, I've only played it at a friend's house).
God Of War 2: I don't know what it is about this game, but I don't like it nearly as much as I liked the first one. It's still good, and fun, but nothing surprises me in this game, and the button mashing thing is... shit.
Universal Truth Is Not Measured In Mass Appeal