This thread is intended for any "bad" thing you and your pets have endured.
Skunk and raccoon encounters are common in the PNW, but until today I had no idea we also had porcupines. Poor Ms. Emma, the neighbor's dog, showed up here with a snout pierced with 40-50 quills. The poor baby's owners weren't home so she must have come to us for help. We made one attempt to remove a quill and it drove her wild. The closest emergency care was over an hour away and they already had a backup of six pets. Emma was calm enough if we left her alone so we waited for her owners to come home and they ran her off to the vet.
I did a Google search on removing porcupine quills and I'm glad we didn't continue trying to remove them. This site is "not safe for the faint of heart", but if you ever have a porkie encounter it's worth a review.
Has anyone else had a run in with a porcupine or another critter?