Spiderman 3 for the 360
This game has been getting a lot of flack on the internet and to be sure, it certainly deserves....most of it. The cutscenes are....bad just doesn't really do it justice, I think. The voice acting (with the exception of J.K. Simmons) is just fucking horrible despite having most of the movie cast on the payroll. The fighting requires absolutely no skill, the in game mini-games are atrocious (damn you skydiving Spidey!) and you'll have to replay a ton of missions because a lot of the time they just leave you hanging with absolutely no guidance whatsoever. Oh, and the game manual is a joke. It's like 6 pages and most of them are general warnings about epilepsy, screen burn in and how to insert the disc properly.
However--and here's where it shines--the city is beautiful. I've been through a handful of different missions, but nothing is more enjoyable than just swinging through the city. It's over twice the size of the city in Spidey 2 and the webslinging is so much more intuitive. The models are great, the city feels...right, especially at night and even though you're constantly interrupted by a myriad of generic criminals that you have to "avert," it's worth it. If the team had put half as much into the rest of the game as they did this, the game would have been fantastic.
As it stands, it's only mediocre. 6/10
No signature. None. Seriously.