What a great episode. I'm very very happy with it. I thought Stanley, Creed, Meredith, Kevin and Oscar all got some good moments...
But enough of that...and on to the Pamfession
Last season's finale, Casino Night, was Jim's proverbial 'firewalk'. He walked through fire for Pam when he made his jimfession before he kissed her. And he got burned badly for it. All season 3 he's been healing from that burn. In the meantime Pam's feelings for Jim have awakened, thanks in large part to the influence Jim had on Pam when he was with her, and especially after he left.
So last nights confession was the result of Pam and Jim having all that pent up anger and hurt and misunderstanding, and lack of communication. Jim and Pam had not talked heart to heart since Casino Night last year. This was the first time that either of them really put what they were thinking out there. Pam finally got the courage that Michael wished for her in "Womens Appreciation". It really was Pam's time to talk. Jim figures he did all the talking he needed to do when he said "I'm in love with you".
Pams confession has people divided into two camps as to what it means. The one camp is "Pam is saying she misses her friend Jim. The one who made her feel good about herself. The one who gave her the confidence to get out of a marriage that she didn't really want to be in anyway. Jim was her friend. The one who gave her someone to talk to and help make the work day more fun."
The second camp hold to the following view, more or less. "Pam's confessed was that she loved Jim, but she couldn't or didn't want to say that in front of all those people. Pam broke off her wedding because of Jim, which essentially means 'for' Jim. Because she realized she loved Jim and wanted to be with him."
I am in the first camp. I think Pam may feel stongly for Jim, maybe even loves him. But I don't think that's what she was confessing there in that scene.
Anyway, this is a long, disjointed rant. Sorry. I'm saying a lot of things.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys