Originally Posted by boom29
What UI are you using? I've seen quite a few pictures of that same style - where can I find it? Thanks.
Its called Bongos
its got so many options its so cool
Originally Posted by Esoteric
As much as I enjoy the PvP of WoW, I've come to the realization that this is more a PvE game than anything else. I don't want to do arena and I'm tired of idiot PuGs. My guild is too casual to become a dominant PvP force and I don't want to leave friends behind and join a guild where I know no one. Here's to hoping Warhammer Online brings back real PvP.
I took my rogue back to the BG's the other night for the first time, had a blast but I guess all servers are different. and the Horde have been trying to raid SW and failing