Originally Posted by pan6467
Let's look at what you ARE saying then:
So Imus needed to lose his job because he said something incredibly cruel and demenaing in YOUR opinion.
Nope, never said it. Not once have I ever said that Imus should have lost his job. I did say that I understood it and that CBS was fully within their rights to fire him, but I never said that he should have been fired. And he did say something cruel and demeaning in my opinion, but I didn't listen to him in the first place and I'll never start now.
Originally Posted by pan6467
No, he is NOT just saying Christians will not vote for Romney.... He originally said those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway,
insinuating that
1) Mormons do not believe in God
2) that because of 1 he doesn't deserve to be elected..... NOT one mention of what Romney's platform is or that he his platform is wrong.... just his religion.... That is prejudicial and hateful, especially coming from a supposed CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER.... now, again, if Pat Robertson said that or a RELIGIOUS LEADER said that, it could be seen perhaps differently....
Exactly how much do you expect the man to put in one sentence? What was the sentence following it? This was a debate in a library with an atheist. The God remark was contextually related to the very existance of a higher power, not whether or not Mormons believe in any God or the right God. I can just as easily infer that Sharpton meant that Mormons don't believe in his (Sharpton's) God, not that they don't believe in any God. It's not prejustice when it's an observation about how one particular group is going to react to an issue.
Originally Posted by pan6467
BUT again.... Al Sharpton is a self appointed CIVIL RIGHTS leader who supposedly by the sheer title means he is supposed to expect equal rights for ALL.
(I also believe had this been someone stating something negative about Obama or Hilary's religious beliefs and how they wouldn't be elected because of them.... the Left would be demanding appologies.)
Sharpton isn't self-appointed. He's a defacto leader with a large following. He's done a good job of working himself into that position, hence my comments about idiocy above.
Originally Posted by pan6467
So telling a whole denomination that they don't believe in God... that's not hateful..... ok then.
Exactly where did he say Mormons don't believe in God? He said that people that believe in God won't vote for Mitt Romney. You've inferred that statement means that Romney doesn't believe in God. It could just as easily mean that people that believe in God, including Mormons, won't vote for Romney because he's flip-flopped on a bunch of major issues like abortion and gun control. Or that he's from Massachusetts and no one would ever vote for a candidate from Massachusetts. I can infer a lot of different things from one sentence without looking at it's contextual relationship with the conversation around it.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Plus there is a difference between you and Al Sharpton..... Al sharpton is a self proclaimed and has made his fame and fortune NOT as a minister to God but as a CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER.
No disagreement here.
Originally Posted by pan6467
So because a poll on a forum states that 52% won't vote for a Mormon it's ok to trash his religious beliefs and insinuate he doesn't believe in God.
I can't judge whether they are biased or not, it's not my job.... if someone wants to discriminate and not vote for someone simply because of religion that is their right.... just as it is their right to say they won't.... However, if you are a CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER who expects to be taken seriously and who starts demanding people lose their jobs because you deem what they say as being hateful.... then if you say something hateful about someone, you should face the same consequences and judgement.
As for having to do with a "conservative agenda"..... that is laughable... I am more liberal than most on this board. I am one of the few who proudly state I am a democrat, I am also maybe the only one here (only one I know of at least) who is forthright and has stated I plan to vote for Edwards and I support his campaign 100%. Sooooo how do i fit into this "conservative agenda"??????
No, I'm just pointing out that the majority of folks that voted in that poll agreed with Sharpton. It's also possible to infer that a lot of those people also believe in God, maybe even God as Sharpton envisions Him. Personally I voted that I would vote for a Mormon, although I doubted it because of the conservative bent of most Mormons. Hence my other comment. I never stated you were conservative. I read enough of your stuff on this board to know that's far from the truth, with the exception of immigration, where I think that you fall closer to the conservative camp. I'm a moderate, as I suspect you know, and I've also publicly declared for Richardson. So what? Unless you voted in the poll and/or have stated you'll never vote Mormon, there's nothing much to discuss here.
Originally Posted by pan6467
And again, my whole argument is not about what either Imus or Sharpton said.... it is about the right to say it and if 1 person is not allowed to say something because someone deemed it "cruel and demeaning" then the person censoring and yelling about it, best not say anything themself that someone can deem "cruel and demeaning" because I expect and I believe that if you lambaste and destroy the first, you need to lambaste and destroy the second or you were full of shit and had your own agenda or jumped on a bandwagon or whatever.... and you have no true sincerity in protecting people's feelings.... you are just pushing forth an agenda whether you realize it or not.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with what Imus said or with what Sharpton said... and I feel they both had the right to say whatever they want... I don't have to agree with it or listen to it. However, I firmly believe if you go after one you need to go after both or you have no credibility in my eyes. But then again that's just in my eyes.... what others want to believe is up to them.
I have a feeling more people will see Sharpton for what he is because of this and I believe he will feel some heat and rightfully so.
Whether or not you believe it, I think we're closer on this issue that you think. I just think that what Sharpton said isn't nearly as big a deal as you think. If you're looking for a smoking gun to prove Sharpton's racist, I don't think this is it.