This is borderline nonsensical.
I can't think of why Baptists in general and Baptist ministers in specific would think that Mormons believe in their God. The two religions have really different doctrines, histories, and values. Further, since Baptists regard themselves as monotheistic, if the Mormons aren't worshiping the Baptist God, then they're not worshiping God period.
If my values were strongly religious, I'd probably make a point of voting for people who shared my faith. I would probably avoid voting for someone of another faith which explicitly believes that it will play a role in saving and shaping the moral and religious character of my nation.
Frankly, I don't see anything out of line about this, though it isn't the position I'm in.
I'll probably think twice before voting for anyone of a faith that believes in and looks forward to an imminent Armageddon. These things are part of the context of a candidate.
I can't see how this equates to Imus' racially insensitive (though maybe not racist?) remarks. Besides, here on TFP hardly anyone thought Imus should be fired. Most of us thought that it was completely understandable that his advertisers would flee, leaving CBS with little choice but to treat the guy as the liability he was.
Sharpton's supporters are unlikely to desert him over these remarks. Most of them likely agree with him.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam