As much as this surprises and pains me, I don't see what the big deal is regarding Sharpton's comments. Pan, maybe you could elaborate (beyond the giant red text).
So he implied that Mormons don't really believe in God... Well, they don't, at least in the terms that a Baptist, Pentecostal, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc. minister would define. There is very very little doctrinal overlap between the Mormon Church and other faiths. The familiarity that they (Mormon leaders) cultivate is just a veneer. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Also, it is 100% true that the Mormon Church supported segregation and condoned racism - up until 1978. At this point, after being completely drubbed in the media, the president of the church received a revelation letting him know that it was ok to incorporate all people into the priesthood, regardless of skin color.
Call me cynical, but that seems a little convenient.
None of that, of course, means that Mitt Romney, an individual, is even slightly racist. But this particular Sharpton episode isn't much to get excited about.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam