truth is a tangible thing. truth is written by the people in power at any givn point. history is written and re-written over and over depending on the view points of those in power.
with terrorism, its a similar thing. we've all heard the phrase 'one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter'. back in the 80's bin laden was americas freedom fighter but now is deemed a terrorist. in some islamic circles hes still seen as a freedom fighter.
in any war, the word is used loosely to accuse the other of injustices, take the last lebanon war last summer. both sides were calling each others tactics as terrorism. and yes i know its been beaten to death, but we really do need to find a solid definition for terrorism.
Originally Posted by willravel
The idea is that, when conventional warfare fails, you fall back to a more drastic and desperate form of warfare: terrorism.
...The problem is that they hit civilian targets instead of military targets. They'd do well to read the following:
Palestine will be free when you elevate yourselves above those you face and stop killing innocent civilians. For every Israeli civilian that dies, you lose a battle. If you start to focus your attacks on military instillations at times when it's clear very few to no people will be there, and if you sabotage the bulldozers, then the message won't be covered in blood but in truth. The world will side with you when they see that you are 100% victims and the Israeli government is 100% aggressors. That cannot happen until you STOP killing civilians. You cannot have my full support and the support of the world until you STOP KILLING CIVILIANS.
will id disagree with you that the most basic form of warfare is terrorism. its called guerilla warfare. it only so happens that those who perform this type of warfare are unable to meet up to the military might of superpowers and hence resort to these sorts o tactics..doesnt make it terrorism though.
as for the palestinians attacking civilians, thats a tough one since israel conscripts all males (and females into the IDF. i may be wrong), theres a belief that the entire population is armed, ready and is therefore part of an army that is an occupying force in the country. there is also a belief that all occupiers are deemed combatants, and therefore fair game.
i do however agree that their cause would be improved if military targets were intended only. but then again with the IDF doing pinpointed strikes on civilians and politicians that are part of hamas, it shoul work the otehr way round too.