There are probably close to 30 guilds worldwide that have killed all but the last boss of Serpent Shrine Cavern. Of those, I think 5 can kill all but the last boss of Tempest Keep as well.
Lady Vashj is widely thought to be unkillable in her present form, as C'thun was for a long time. Two kills have happened, but they were both achieved through either a straight bug in the coding of the encounter (she dropped 30% life instantly on Nihilum's) and Method exploited a bug that let them tank mobs that should've been untankable.
The phoenix boss in TK is widely thought to be unfinished, though a few people have killed him and can repeat their kills. He might just be hard, I haven't seen the encounter. Kael'thas is also probably unkillable at the moment. I haven't heard of anyone making significant progress on him.
Presumably they will be fixed when 2.1 hits and both Hyjal and BT become available. I would guess there will be a flurry of kills before the content is abandoned for the new BT and Hyjal bosses. Though everyone's going to have to kill them to get into Hyjal anyway.
I've pretty much stopped raiding at this point. I'm busy with other things and it's really really lame to be a PvE hunter. So it goes.