The plateau is an evil SOB. When you hit this point, I suggest changing your workout completely. If you run a lot, try long distance swimming. If you swim a lot, try roller blading 6 miles. If you use machines, switch to free weights. If you use free weights, try resistance using your own bodyweight. Also, this is the time to tie up the loose ends in your diet. It's time to finally stop drinking your daily coke or having that once a week hamburger.
Originally Posted by Moba
To my knowledge, I thought that weight loss was simply attributed to burning more calories than you consume, and depending on that varying degree you can zone in to a healthy weight for one's size. Am I wrong?
That's a good point, but there's a problem: after your body has undergone it's change and has reached the plateau, it learns how to squeeze every calorie out of what you eat. It adapts to the new situation with more exercise and better diet, and tries to compensate by being more efficient in taking the fats, carbs, and proteins out. So what do you do? You change things up again. Keep your body adapting by changing your diet. Eat a lot of apples? Try something like pears or plums. Shoot, try broccoli.