Thanks for all the positive replies. The nutrition website is informative. Nice link.
I was curious if you guys had any experience with hitting a plateau in your workout routine -- my primary focus is still losing weight while maintaining current muscle mass. I feel I may be bearing down on it now, but I'm not entirely clear on what I should do to turn it around. How often should I implement a new routine? Can I go back to my initial routine after I've switched it up for a while?
Speaking with my mother who has always been into fitness, she got to a point with spinning where regardless of 2 hours a day on the bike she just couldn't get anywhere, and had to switch to aerobics classes for a while. To my knowledge, I thought that weight loss was simply attributed to burning more calories than you consume, and depending on that varying degree you can zone in to a healthy weight for one's size. Am I wrong?
Last edited by Moba; 05-09-2007 at 08:52 AM..