Originally Posted by cadre
Okay, when my sister and I got our last set of kittens they were really young and we were expecting problems litter box training them. The idea is that supposedly they learn how to use a litter box from their mothers and if you take them away too young they don't get that chance.
The first night I had my kitten I just took her and put her in the litter box every so often and I did that for a day or so since it was a weekend. That's really all it took for her to get it, at that point she wasn't roaming around much so she didn't have a chance to really learn anything else.
It might just be the litter box though, they may not like the placement or the size of the litter box. I'd make sure they can get in it easily first and go from there.
This is really excellent advice. Cats are REALLY finicky creatures, and if they don't like their litter box, they won't use it. Try putting them in the litter box every couple of hours or so one weekend, and if they continue to dislike the litter box, change the litter. Also, some cats don't like to share their boxes, so two might be in order. Furthermore, some cats like privacy when they do their business, just like we do, so put the litter box somewhere with a bit of cover.
My parents have two very young cats, and the biggest hurdle for training them to use the box was just getting them used to the placement of it, and finding a place that the cats liked as well as the people.