Originally Posted by Seaver
How do you claim that your opinion is not loud when you [effectively] have Hollywood, the [majority] of the media, and outnumber us 10 to 1 on the [internet]?
When Dennis Miller, the famed comedian, endorsed Bush for the president in 2004, I found myself shocked. Here is a brilliant, Hollywood, big word using liberal endorsing the worst president of my lifetime. It took me a bit, but I slowly came to the realization that I expected Miller to be anti-Bush if for no other reason than it's easier for a comedian to be anti-Bush. Shame on me. Shame on comedians that are anti-Bush because it makes their job a little (okay, A LOT) easier. While I may not agree with Miller, I respect the shit out of him.
Seaver, you have conservative friends and family members, right? Tell them to get their asses online. I have a 40-78 hour work week and a daughter and I still find time to come into a political debate online and give 100%. Whether you're a conservative or a liberal, the internet is an amazing place that it's users create. The reason liberals seem to have conservatives 10-1 is that we're online. I mean it's also because we're right, of course, but I'd love to have more real conservatives around so that we can get even handed opinion presentation. I don't mean the conservatives that launch personal attacks and troll, mind you. I mean real conservatives.
Also, the liberals are still fighting to get control of the media back. We lost it completely on 9/11 and have been scraping and scrounging to get it back since.
Originally Posted by Seaver
How many pro vs. anti war protests were there? How many pro-war Sheehans are there?
Back before the war first started I was among the first to openly protest. I was one of those schmucks on the street corner with obviously too much time on my hands with a flag and a sign that read "Make Love, Not War" or something. The funny thing is, back in late 2002, right after we set up shop protesting against the war, people set up shop across the street with equally unoriginal signs protesting for the war. And this is the SF Bay area. This didn't just happen once, mind you. I saw it when I went down to visit family in Bakersfield (the most boring place in the world). There were pro war protests on street corners.
The thing is, that was before people really knew about the reasons we were invading. Shoot, I wasn't even 100% sure at the time. It's clear now, of course, but generally, people had no idea what was going on. They just knew we were attacked on 9/11 and we were going to go fight a war about it. That's not the case anymore. There are still strong anti-war protests, a majority of which are my doing, but the pro-war crowd hasn't just shut up, they've changed sides.
As for the Sheehan thing, do you really expect mothers of dead soldiers to support any war? Jeez.
Originally Posted by Seaver
The problem isn't of [decibel level], it's saying things that American voters want to hear. We don't want to be told our brothers and sisters in the twin towers were little Eichmans. We don't want to hear b.s. about how our government was willing to kill 3,000 of its own people to start a war (thanks Rosie, won't miss you... and fire does melt steel).
Careful bringing the loss of structural strength in steel thing. Also, Rosie was the type of liberal I hate: a regurgitater. She had smart friends around her, and she tried to say what they say but it came out half retarded because a lot was lost in translation.
The funny thing is, EVERYONE wanted to know why 'they hate us' after 9/11, but no one wanted to hear the answer. Why is that? Because most people, and not just Americans mind you, are fucking stupid. When you start talking about how there is evidence that Grandpa Reagan armed the Mujahadeen and our idiot anti-communist policies are coming back to bite us in the ass, they tell you that 'these colors don't run' or some such bullshit. Most people would shit their pants if they knew why the al Qaeda hate us so much.
I'm so far beyond caring about what American voters want to hear it's ridiculous. Al they want to hear about is how black people are scary, but the police will save you or how gas prices are fluctuating. They don't want to hear about the skeletons in our closet, and that's just too bad.