That's awesome, Moba (and willravel and Dilbert)... I wish you guys the best in your continuing journey for better health.
I've been undergoing a similar lifestyle adjustment over the past 3-4 months. I have been watching my calorie intake and choosing much healthier foods and more appropriate portions. A very good website I've found helpful in learning about which foods are good choices is
I still have a couple more weeks of low-calorie diet (to trim the rest of my fat) before I switch and start eating more calories as I build up some muscle mass. Just remember that you cannot burn fat and gain muscle (in large quantities at least) simultaneously... you can either concentrate on losing fat and maintaining your current muscles or concentrate on building muscle while gaining only a little fat.
I've found that you don't even really need to have someone to go with you to the gym... just someone else who is going through the same process. My friend Ryan lives in another state, but we keep each other updated on our progress and what we've done recently. If he mentions he worked out for 2 hours today, I feel guilty if I haven't done the same, so it has been good motivation having him along for the ride.