Originally Posted by tecoyah
I'm seriously curious though Ace....please read the quotes from her I posted above, and give me your opinion on how beneficial they are to the country
About as beneficial as the political skits on SNTL.
Liberals focus on her humor rather than focusing on their liberal causes.
and the goal of peaceful coexistance of Amercans.
A wise man once said - when liberals learn to laugh, peace will prevail.
You have to admit that Gore testimony about the baby was pretty funny, even if you are a liberal.
Also, of you would please take her comments as a literal truth in her mind, as that is how she portrays it....rather than political humor.
She takes a line of truth and stretches it to it's extreme limits for the sake of humor. She is right at the "edge" and it depends, but sometimes she is serious and somtimes not. Generally, when she is being interviewed and can hardly contain her laughter, she knows she has taken a step over the "edge" and is kinda toying with the qudiance or interviewer. That is when I start to loose it.
Then look at the way people who might actually care about society, and civilized communication would take such commentary, and how they might feel about someone that "Loves" what she stands for.
What she called the Edwards went too far, but for the most part, I think her voice is healthy, no worse than the left political humor.