I'm not sure I remember taking offense anywhere around here, but it's not my
opinion that the cups are healthier than tampons or that they are less expensive and more environmentally conscious than using
any disposable menstrual product. The only opinion I stated was that they are cleaner, too. That is what I have found to be true for me. That pads are diaper-like is sort of beside the point, but I take your point. That is just how I view them.
I'm not condemning pad-users in general - I think they are a necessary evil for women who have painful conditions that don't allow them to use menstrual cups OR tampons. I guess I'm just calling out the tampon users on the ick factor. Besides size issues (my best friend can use tampons, but just barely, so she can't use the cup) and pain, I don't know why else someone would prefer a tampon. It makes a lot of trash, it costs more money, it funks up your natural chemistry and most popular versions are even bleached, which is probably more harmful than the innocuous piece of silicon-rubber I use. It seems silly to me that a grown woman wouldn't even give it a try (even all of the women in my family are silly that way, so don't think I'm trying to pick on internet strangers or anything).
Anyway, Atropos4 is right and you don't even have to be super duper careful. It only spills over if you make it spill over. And you'd have to be seriously flailing to really make a mess. I mean, the thing only really holds about an ounce. The most care you need to take is in making sure you empty it before it gets too full (i.e., more frequently during your heavy flow days).