Reagan's "Noble War" credo, influenced 28 percent of this country to learn no lesson from US insertion into the civil war in Vietnam, and...if the simplistic, jingoist nonsense on this site is any indicator......
<b>When it came to defeating the Soviets, Ronald Reagan made it simple: "We win, they lose." Now more than ever, the defeatists in Congress must hear that same message. America will never surrender.</b>
To: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Democrat Leader
Congress has passed and President Bush has vetoed H.R. 1591, the Iraq Surrender Act of 2007.
This legislation, which you worked to pass, sets a timetable for surrender. It pulls the rug out from under our troops. That is shameful and wrong.
Your actions have already emboldened the enemy. Violent jihadists now know that the elected leadership of Congress would undermine the troops by holding their funding hostage to demands for surrender. .......
Bill Frist isn't smart enough to be a doctor, just as he wasn't wise enough to be a senator.....
....and page two of features the site owned by Council for National Policy "leaders" <a href="">Stuart Epperson and Edward Atsinger III.</a>
Blogs referring the most signatures:
1. 1329
The republican presidential hopefuls, featuring the legacy of Reagan, have been driven back 20 years, into a tiny, tiny, li'l "universe", thanks to the republican candidate in the past two campaigns, George W. Bush. Even the rigged DOJ won't be able to suppress enough opposition votes next year, to push Rudy, or Mitt, or McCain to a victory at the polls....
This new site is apparently an "encore" to the fizzled, "victory" garden:
UPDATE: Diana Powe, a periodic (and always excellent) commenter here, and a long-time police officer in Texas, sent the following e-mail to Tucker Carlson:
Dear Mr. Carlson;
Please let me join the number of others who have suggested to you that you do a follow-up story to the complete collapse of the silly Victory Caucus over the first few days of its existence. The lazy meme in much of the mainstream media is that there is some sort of radical anti-war left that is preventing the recognition of the mainstream of people who crave victory in Iraq.
Apparently, the fringe includes me, a 30-year serving Texas police officer, my oldest brother, Col. Marc B. Powe (USA ret.) who served two tours in Viet Nam, was a military attache in Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq war and was in the Pentagon itself on 09/11, my brother, Christopher L. Powe, who was an artilleryman in Viet Nam, and my brother, Stephen F. Powe, who was a distinguished military graduate from Texas A&M University and served as an Army infantry officer in the mid-1970s.
We are widely recognized for being completely out of the mainstream of political and social thought as you can easily imagine.
Perhaps a follow-up story could contrast the "pump-and-dump" traffic figures at the Victory Caucus website with the steadily increasing majority of Americans across all political lines who tell mainstream pollsters that they want our involvement in Iraq to end soon.
Diana J. Powe
Richardson, Texas
....and speaking of "tiny"....the republican presidential debate was sponsored by MSNBC and Shouldn't we know a little more about politico?
Sho' is closely tied to Reagan, Bush's uncle, the criminally convicted money laundering Riggs Bank, and the former Chilean dictator, Pinochet !
Glenn Greenwald
Friday May 4, 2007 13:08 EST
Who funds and runs the Politico?
(Updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV)
In the middle of an article by The Politico's Mike Allen regarding last night's GOP presidential debate, one finds this paragraph:.....
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 14, 2007
Press Conference by the President
.....Michael. Michael, who do you work for? (Laughter.)
Q Mr. President, I work for
Q Yes, sir. Today. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: You want a moment to explain to the American people exactly what -- (laughter.)
Q Mr. President, thank you for the question. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Quit being so evasive.
Q You should read it.
THE PRESIDENT: Is it good? You like it? ....