Originally Posted by Ann Coulter
To prove his bona fides to the environmentalist nuts, Obama said: "We've also been working to install lightbulbs that last longer and save energy. And that's something that I'm trying to teach my daughters, 8-year-old Malia and 5-year-old Sasha."
So we finally have an answer to the question: What do Democrats teach their daughters? Is it:
(a) integrity
(b) character
(c) the importance of always telling the truth
No! The answer is: (d) They teach their daughters to use low-energy lightbulbs. This is so important that it apparently bears mentioning during a debate under high-intensity TV studio lights.
(How many kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb? In the Barack household, evidently, it takes two.)
I wonder if she's ever been to a Presidential debate. You see, of all the responsibilities of the nominees, picking the light bulbs is not one of them. Also, Ann presents a false choice (something she uses commonly in the stead of a decent argument). It's not integrity OR character OR truthfulness OR low energy lightbulbs, it all of the above. Speaking from experience, a father can teach all of those things at once! My daughter very rarely lies at age 3.5, she is a character, and she knows about the 'energy star' sticker on the washer. It's good to know that Obama is as wise a father as I.
Originally Posted by Ann Coulter
Obama was asked to name "America's three most important allies around the world" — a question rejected as "too easy" on Fox's new game show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" Any politically savvy 11-year-old could have named Britain, Australia and Israel.
B. Hussein Obama answered: "the European Union." Which is (a) not a country, and (b) not an ally.
What was his next guess? Epcot Center?
Again Ann's complete lack of knowledge comes into play. a) the question asked for allies, not allied countries, and b) the EU is an ally to the US in MANY ways. Just because they didn't support the ass backwards invasion of Iraq doesn't mean that they are going to continue freely trading with us or meeting with us at the UN.
Originally Posted by Ann Coulter
In addition to not being a country, the "European Union" happens to be composed of people who hate our guts. It is the continent where Moveon.org-style lunatics are the friendly, pro-American types and the rest are crazy Muslims.
Anne Coulter is a blatant racist and she wouldn't know what a European was thinking if she had telepathy because she's so closed minded herself. Or was this to try and make people laugh? Ha ha! Muslims hate us! Everyone join in the racist good time! Sorry, but Ann isn't a comedian. This is hate filled rhetoric. Also, many Europeans hate our government, just like most Americans.
Originally Posted by Ann Coulter
If you're keeping score, that's two major religions the Democrats lack a working knowledge of — Christianity and Islam.
Which is funny coming from Ann Coulter. In this very article, she has completely misrepresented all European Muslims and broke the third commandment 20 times. Ann Coulter is the ultimate pot calling the kettle black, and the funny thing is, the kettle isn't even black. Obama is. There's your Coulter-esque humor of the day.