My wife had some problems with migrains through the whole menopuase time. She was on several meds prescribed by a neurologist that, after several years of adjusting just didn't work.
She then ran into a really good OD that is also into holistic medicine and other natural things. He took blood tests and prescribed several natural (not artificial) hormones only available from a formulary pharmacy. She noticed several benefits in just a week and many more after a few months. One is in capsule form and two others are liquids she rubs on each day like lotion only a very small amount.
Unfortunately insurance companies don't pay for this stuff since they are in bed with the pharaceutical companies. However, the cost of this stuff is no more than all her co-pays for the neurologist prescribed meds.
Here's a pretty good link:
She had several to the same site in her favorites so you might need to navigate around to see everything. Actually, I'll just link all three she had on there...
Good luck!!