All three "villains" were beyond wonderful; the movie was too convoluted, however. Sandman was so awesome he deserved to be the only villain in the movie, and it would have worked.
Some of the "Raimi tactics" were a little overboard (jazz cafe dance session, etc.) but the humor was still laugh-out-loud funny.
I'd say the movie is about on par with the first one. Spiderman 2 is still probably my favorite comic movie of all time, and it's hard to top it.
Worth seeing? Yes. Better than SP2? Not by a long shot. Needed some editing, pull out Venom or Sandman and put them in their own Spiderman movie. The movie ended up concentrating on all the wrong stuff.
The movie isn't anywhere near as bad as the reviews (as a total) are saying, but the movie definitely isn't perfect either.
It's hard to explain. During Spiderman 2, I enjoyed the ENTIRE movie; I liked the slow parts, I liked the action, I liked the drama, I liked it all. Alfred Molina was unforgettable as Doc Ock; one of the best casting jobs in years. In this movie, for some reason, I just didn't care about the drama, I just wanted it to be over so we could see more action/suspense. There was just way too much going on.
Tips to fix SP3:
1. Remove either Venom or Sandman (and insert into next movie)
2. Remove the cheesy parts that were a little too much (jazz scene, etc.)
3. Less is more with the special effects. SP2 had it nearly perfect. WAAAAY too much CGI (even though it was good CGI) in this one. Stop trying to top the predecessor!
4. Needs more real emotion, a la SP2. Acting and script in SP2 were so damn good. Each scene flowed beautifully. In SP3, many of the lines just didn't work.
Summary: Spiderman 3 is a great effort at topping SP2, but only ends up topping it in the visual effects, due to some questionable scenes and misdirection/emphasis on certain aspects in the film. 7/10.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.